世界很美 而你正好有空
世界很美 而你正好有空
Singapore Acrossline Hosting believes that in order to accelerate innovation in the cloud, virtual computing must be more accessible, affordable, and simple. Our infrastructure-as-a-service platform is deployed across 11 global markets from our data centers around the world and is supported by our Next Generation Network, advanced APIs, comprehensive services, and vast library of educational resources. Singapore Acrossline Hosting products, services, and people enable developers and businesses to build, deploy, and scale applications more easily and cost-effectively in the cloud.
以上條款,適用於我們所有數據中心的獨立服務器和VPS服務器。如果我們收到與您主機相關的投訴或違規行為,我們有權在不通知您的情況下先行暫停您的服務,保留直接刪除主機、格式化硬盤的權利,且不退款,不退還數據。常見違規濫用行為包含但不限於: 色情、政治性、垃圾郵件、攻擊、發包、病毒/木馬散播、端口掃描、版權糾紛、釣魚、私服遊戲、BT、PT、盜取網絡中他人IP、或者自行修改使用不屬於自己的IP等。
服务条款:为了您能更好的使用新加坡边际主机服务(以下简称:本服务),您应当阅读并遵守《新加坡边际主机服务协议》(以下简称:本协议)等相关协议、规则。1、总则1.1新加坡边际主机服务(以下简称"本服务")是由香港新加坡边际主机(以下简称"本公司")与新加坡边际主机用户共同缔结的对双方具有约束力的有效契约。本协议由您和本公司签订。在您注册成为新加坡边际主机用户之前,请您务必谨慎阅读、充分理解各条款内容;一旦您选择"同意"并完成注册,说明您已充分阅读、理解并接受本协议的全部内容,即表示您同意遵循本协议之所有约定。1.2新加坡边际主机向用户提供本网站上所展示的产品与服务(下称"新加坡边际主机服务"、"本服务"),并将不断更新服务内容,最新的新加坡边际主机服务以新加坡边际主机网站上的相关云服务器产品及服务介绍的页面展示以及向用户实际提供的为准。2、新加坡边际主机账户2.1在使用本服务前,您必须先注册并取得本公司平台提供的新加坡边际主机会员账户,在完成注册或激活流程时,您必须同意并保证:2.1.1 您所填写的用户信息是真实、准确、完整、及时的,且保证新加坡边际主机可以通过您所填写的联系方式与您取得联系。2.1.2您应根据新加坡边际主机对应服务的条例要求及时提供相应的身份证明等资料,否则新加坡边际主机有权拒绝向您提供相关服务。2.1.3 如果您提供的资料或信息包含有不正确、虚假的信息,新加坡边际主机将有权向您发出询问或要求改正的通知并保留取消您会员资格并随时结束为您提供服务的权利,新加坡边际主机对此不需承担任何责任,您将承担因此产生的任何直接或间接损失及不利后果。2.1.4 您应对您的新加坡边际主机会员账户负责,只有您本人可以使用您的新加坡边际主机会员账户,该账户具有唯一性,不可转让、不可赠与、不可继承。若因您自身原因致使服务器数据、口令、密码等信息丢失或泄漏等,新加坡边际主机对此不需承担任何责任,您将承担因此产生的任何直接或间接损失及不利后果。2.2您须自行负责对您的新加坡边际主机账户和密码保密,且须对您在该登录名和密码下发生的所有活动(包括但不限于信息披露、发布信息、网上点击同意或提交各类规则协议、网上续签协议、push服务器或新购等)承担责任。您同意:2.2.1如发现任何人未经授权使用您的新加坡边际主机账户和密码,或发生违反保密规定的任何其他情况,您会立即通知新加坡边际主机,并授权新加坡边际主机将该信息同步给新加坡边际主机网站。2.2.2请确保您在每次登录新加坡边际主机平台结束时,以正确步骤退出新加坡边际主机平台。本公司不能也不会对因您未能遵守本款规定而发生的任何损失或损毁负责。2.2.3若因您提供的信息不完全,虚假等导致新加坡边际主机无法正确核实您的真实身份或新加坡边际主机无法正确判断您的需求等,而导致的新加坡边际主机无法为您进行及时处理,给您带来的损失,您应自行承担。同时,您理解新加坡边际主机对您的请求采取措施需要合理期限,对于您通知新加坡边际主机以及新加坡边际主机根据您的有效通知采取措施之前,由于他人行为已经给您造成的损失,新加坡边际主机不承担任何责任。3、平台服务使用守则为有效保障您使用本平台服务的合法权益,您理解并同意接受以下规则:3.1您通过包括但不限于以下方式向新加坡边际主机发出的指令,均视为您本人的指令,不可撤回或撤销,您应自行对新加坡边际主机执行前述指令所产生的任何结果承担责任。3.1.1通过您的新加坡边际主机账户和密码进行的所有操作(包括但不限于重装系统、服务器重启、 服务器push、服务器新购、账户提现、发票申请、合同申请等);3.1.2通过与您的账号绑定的手机号码或邮箱向新加坡边际主机发送的全部信息;3.2您购买本服务后,仅可供自己使用,不得直接或间接以转让、出售、出租、合作等任何形式,有偿或无偿地将部分或全部的服务提供给他人使用。3.3您应自行对因使用本服务而存储在新加坡边际主机服务器的各类数据等信息,在本服务之外,采取合理、安全的技术措施,确保其安全性,并对自己的行为(包括但不限于自行安装软件、采取加密措施或进行其他安全措施等)所引起的结果承担全部责任。3.4您了解并同意本公司单方修改服务的相关规则,而无须征得您的同意,服务规则应以您使用服务时的页面提示为准,您同意并遵照服务规则是您使用本服务的前提。3.5在您使用本服务时,本公司有权依照相应的服务收费介绍、订单或相关协议向您收取服务费用。本公司拥有制订及调整服务资费的权利,具体服务资费以您使用本服务时本网站上所列之收费方式公告或您与本公司达成的其他书面协议为准。3.6新加坡边际主机可能会以手机短信或电子邮件等其他方式通知您服务进展情况以及提示您进行下一步的操作,但新加坡边际主机不保证您能够收到或者及时收到该手机短信或电子邮件,且不对此承担任何后果。因此,在服务过程中您应当及时登录到新加坡边际主机网站查看和进行交易操作。因您没有及时查看和对服务状态进行修改或确认或未能提交相关申请而导致的任何纠纷或损失,新加坡边际主机不负任何责任。4、用户权利和义务4.1 您有权利享受新加坡边际主机提供的互联网技术和信息服务,并有权利在接受新加坡边际主机提供的服务时获得新加坡边际主机的技术支持、咨询等服务,服务内容详见本网站相关产品介绍。4.2 您保证不会利用技术或其他手段破坏或扰乱本网站及新加坡边际主机其他客户的网站。4.3 您应尊重新加坡边际主机及其他第三方的知识产权和其他合法权利,并保证在发生侵犯上述权益的违法事件时尽力保护新加坡边际主机及其股东、雇员、合作伙伴等免于因该等事件受到影响或损失;新加坡边际主机保留您侵犯新加坡边际主机合法权益时终止向您提供服务并不退还任何款项的权利。4.4 对由于您向新加坡边际主机提供的联络方式有误以及您用于接受新加坡边际主机邮件的电子邮箱安全性、稳定性不佳而导致的一切后果,您应自行承担责任,包括但不限于因您未能及时收到新加坡边际主机的相关通知而导致的后果和损失。4.5您保证:4.5.1 您使用新加坡边际主机产品或服务时将遵从您所在国家、地方法律法规、行业惯例和社会公共道德,不会利用新加坡边际主机提供的服务进行存储、发布、传播如下信息和内容: 违反您所在国家法律法规政策的任何内容(信息); 违反您所在国家规定的政治宣传或新闻信息; 涉及您所在国家秘密或安全的信息; 封建迷信或淫秽、色情、下流的信息或教唆犯罪的信息; 博彩有奖、赌博游戏;违反您说在国家民族和宗教政策的信息; 妨碍互联网运行安全的信息; 侵害他人合法权益的信息或其他有损于社会秩序、社会治安、公共道德的信息或内容; 您同时承诺不得为他人发布上述不符合国家规定或本服务条款约定的信息内容提供任何便利,包括但不限于设置URL、BANNER链接等; 不应大量占用新加坡边际主机计算资源(包括但不限于互联网挖矿、刷流量、私服等行为),并给新加坡边际主机平台或新加坡边际主机的其他用户的网络、服务器系统、应用等带来严重的、不合理的影响,导致新加坡边际主机平台产品与服务或者新加坡边际主机的其他用户的服务器卡机、死机或者用户基于云平台的应用不可访问等;您承认新加坡边际主机有权在您违反上述约定时有权终止向您提供服务并不予退还任何款项,因您上述行为给新加坡边际主机造成损失的,您应予赔偿。 您保证您不会进行任何滥用新加坡边际主机资源的行为,包括但不仅限于任何与黑客攻击相关的行为、虚拟货币挖矿、网格计算、抢购等。一经发现,帐户将会被禁止,帐户余额也不予退回。 您保证您不会在网站未经过新加坡边际主机完成ICP备案的情况下对外开放。 您保证注册时使用的手机号码、邮箱等联系方式长期有效,一旦发现手机号码过期经通知后还未修改的,将视作无效用户,帐户将会被禁止,帐户余额也不予退回。 您保证您的业务不会遭受大规模DDOS攻击。您承认新加坡边际主机有权在您遭受攻击时解绑资源公网IP,甚至冻结账户并终止向您提供服务。4.5.2. 使用新加坡边际主机产品或服务时,应遵守您与新加坡边际主机签订的服务条款、新加坡边际主机在vps.acrosslinehosting.com相关页面上的管理规范、流程、服务说明、价格说明和您确认同意的订购页面的内容,包括但不限于: 您应按时付款或续费,如未按规定及时续费导致的损失由您自行负责。 不应出现任何破坏或试图破坏网络安全的行为等; 如您违反上述保证,新加坡边际主机除有权根据相关服务条款采取删除信息、中止服务、终止服务的措施,并有权限制您账户如新购产品或服务、续费等部分或全部功能,如因您上述行为给新加坡边际主机造成损失的,您应予赔偿。4.7 若您使用的某项服务中包含可下载的新加坡边际主机软件,则新加坡边际主机仅授予您非独占性的、不可转让的、非商业运营目的的个人使用许可。除非新加坡边际主机另有明示或与您另有约定外,您不得复制、修改、发布、出售或出租服务或所含软件的任何部分,也不得进行反向工程或试图提取该软件的源代码。5、新加坡边际主机权利和义务5.1 新加坡边际主机应根据您选择的服务以及交纳款项的情况向您提供合格的网络技术和信息服务。5.2 新加坡边际主机承诺对您资料采取对外保密措施,不向第三方披露您资料,不授权第三方使用您资料,除非:5.2.1 依据本服务条款或者您与新加坡边际主机之间其他服务协议、合同、在线条款等规定可以提供;5.2.2 依据法律法规的规定应当提供;5.2.3 行政、司法等职权部门要求新加坡边际主机提供;5.2.4 您同意新加坡边际主机向第三方提供;5.2.5 新加坡边际主机解决举报事件、提起诉讼而提交的;5.2.6 新加坡边际主机为防止严重违法行为或涉嫌犯罪行为发生而采取必要合理行动所必须提交的;5.2.7 新加坡边际主机为向您提供产品、服务、信息而向第三方提供的,包括新加坡边际主机通过第三方的技术及服务向您提供产品、服务、信息的情况。5.3 新加坡边际主机有权根据本服务条款的约定,根据您的服务使用情况,自您的账户余额中直接扣除相关服务费用。5.4 当存在如下情形之一时,新加坡边际主机有权对您名下账户资金的部分或全部进行冻结:5.4.1 国家法律、法规、政策、法律文书的规定:5.4.2 国家有权机关要求进行冻结的:5.4.3 您使用新加坡边际主机服务的行为涉嫌违反国家法律法规及行政规定的;5.4.4 新加坡边际主机基于单方面合理判断,认为您的账户操作、资金进出等存在异常时;5.4.5 他人向您账户错误汇入资金等导致您可能存在不当得利的:5.4.6 您遭到他人投诉, 且对方已经提供了一定证据的:5.4.7 新加坡边际主机根据自行合理判断,认为可能产生风险的其他情况。 新加坡边际主机按照前述规定对您的账户资金进行冻结后,将通过邮件、站内信、短信或电话等方式通知您按照相应的程序进行申诉。如果您按照本服务条款的要求进行申诉并经新加坡边际主机审核通过的,新加坡边际主机将立即解除资金冻结措施;如果您未在规定时间内进行申请,或您的申诉未能通过新加坡边际主机审核的,则您确认新加坡边际主机有权长期冻结该资金,或将相关冻结款项按原路退回该笔资金的充值来源账户(包括但不限于银行账户、支付宝账户、微信账户等)。5.5 您理解并认可,新加坡边际主机在必要时将会对您使用的服务进行机房迁移。新加坡边际主机进行上述操作前至少提前7个自然日通知您,由于进行上述操作可能需要修改您相关域名的解析,因此您需在接到新加坡边际主机通知后按照新加坡边际主机通知的时间将域名解析修改到新的IP或域名上,否则因此造成网站、应用无法访问的,由您自行负责。6、隐私及其他个人信息的保护一旦您同意本服务条款或使用本服务,您即同意新加坡边际主机按照以下条款来使用和披露您的个人信息。6.1 登录名和密码在您注册帐户时,新加坡边际主机会要求您设置新加坡边际主机账户登录名和密码来识别您的身份,并设置密码提示问题及其答案,以便在您丢失密码时用以确认您的身份。您仅可通过您设置的密码来使用该账户,如果您泄漏了密码,您可能会丢失您的个人识别信息,并可能导致对您不利的法律后果。该账户和密码因任何原因受到潜在或现实危险时,您应该立即和新加坡边际主机取得联系,在新加坡边际主机采取行动前,新加坡边际主机对此不负任何责任。6.2 用户注册信息您完成账户注册或激活账户时,应向新加坡边际主机提供您的真实姓名、地址、国籍、电话号码和电子邮件地址,您还可以选择来填写相关附加信息(包括但不限于您公司所在的国家省份和城市、时区和邮政编码、传真号码、个人主页和您的职务)。为有针对性地向您提供新的服务和机会,您了解并同意新加坡边际主机及其关联公司或您登录的其他网站将通过您的电子邮件地址或该手机通知您这些信息。6.3 银行账户或其他支付账户信息息若新加坡边际主机所提供的服务需要您提供您的银行账户信息,在您提供相应信息后,新加坡边际主机将严格履行相关保密约定。6.4 登录记录为了保障您使用本服务的安全以及不断改进服务质量,新加坡边际主机将记录并保存您登录和使用本服务的相关信息,但新加坡边际主机承诺不将此类信息提供给任何第三方(除双方另有约定或法律法规另有规定及新加坡边际主机关联公司外)。6.5 广告新加坡边际主机会对新加坡边际主机用户的身份数据进行综合统计,并出于销售和奖励的需要使用或披露。6.6 外部链接本网站含有到其他网站的链接,但新加坡边际主机对其他网站的隐私保护措施不负任何责任。新加坡边际主机可能在任何需要的时候增加商业伙伴或共用品牌的网站。6.7 安全新加坡边际主机仅按现有技术提供相应的安全措施来使新加坡边际主机掌握的信息不丢失,不被滥用和变造。这些安全措施包括向其他服务器备份数据和对用户密码加密。尽管有这些安全措施,但新加坡边际主机不保证这些信息的绝对安全。7、 系统中断或故障系统可能因下列状况无法正常运作,使您无法使用各项互联网服务时,新加坡边际主机不承担损害赔偿责任,该状况包括但不限于:7.1 新加坡边际主机在系统停机维护期间。7.2 电信设备出现故障不能进行数据传输的。7.3 因台风、地震、海啸、洪水、停电、战争、恐怖袭击等不可抗力之因素,造成新加坡边际主机系统障碍不能执行业务的。7.4 由于黑客攻击、电信部门技术调整或故障、网站升级、银行方面的问题等原因而造成的服务中断或者延迟。8、 责任范围及责任限制8.1 新加坡边际主机仅对本服务条款中列明的责任承担范围负责。8.2 本服务之合作单位,所提供之服务品质及内容由该合作单位自行负责。8.3 您了解并同意,因您使用本服务、违反本服务条款或在您的账户下采取的任何行动,而导致的任何第三方索赔,应且仅应由您本人承担。如果由此引起新加坡边际主机及其关联公司、员工、客户和合作伙伴被第三方索赔的,您应负责处理,并承担由此造成的全部责任。8.4 在法律允许的情况下,新加坡边际主机对于与本服务条款有关或由本服务条款引起的任何间接的、惩罚性的、特殊的、派生的损失(包括业务损失、收益损失、利润损失、使用数据、商誉或其他经济利益的损失),不论是如何产生的,也不论是由对本服务条款的违约(包括违反保证)还是由侵权造成的,均不负有任何责任,即使事先已被告知此等损失的可能性。另外即使本服务条款规定的排他性救济没有达到其基本目的,也应排除新加坡边际主机对上述损失的责任。8.5 除本服务条款另有规定或新加坡边际主机与您就某一具体产品及/或服务另有约定外,在任何情况下,您同意新加坡边际主机对本服务条款所承担的赔偿责任总额不超过向您收取的当次服务费用总额。8.6 用户知悉因机房及运营商等原因造成网络不稳定、用户体验差等的,新加坡边际主机有权进行节点迁移,用户同意并配合新加坡边际主机节点迁移方案,否则,由此造成的用户损失由用户自行承担,新加坡边际主机不承担任何责任。9、 完整协议9.1 本服务条款由本服务条款与本网站公示的各项规则组成,相关名词可互相引用参照,如有不同理解,以本服务条款为准。9.2 本服务条款的章节标题仅为行文方便而设,不具有法律或合同效力。9.3 您对本服务条款理解和认同,您即对本服务条款所有组成部分的内容理解并认同,一旦您使用本服务,您和新加坡边际主机即受本服务条款所有组成部分的约束。9.4 本服务条款部分内容被有管辖权的法院认定为违法的,不因此影响其他内容的效力。10、商标、知识产权本网站上所有内容,包括但不限于著作、图片、档案、资讯、资料、网站架构、网站画面的安排、网页设计,均由本公司依法拥有其知识产权,包括但不限于商标权、专利权、著作权、商业秘密等。非经本公司书面同意,任何人不得擅自使用、修改、复制、公开传播、改变、散布、发行或公开发表本网站程序或内容。11、法律适用与管辖本协议之效力、解释、变更、执行与争议解决均适用您所在国法律。因本协议产生之争议,均应依照您所在国法律予以处理,并提交本协议签订地有管辖权的法院管辖。
Terms of ServiceBy using the services from Acrossline Hosting (hereinafter the "Services," defined further below), you signify your agreement to the terms and conditions contained in this Term Of Services Agreement (hereinafter, the "Agreement") and that you consent to resolve in Singapore any dispute that you may have with us, our suppliers, or the Services. Please note that we offer the Services “AS IS” and without warranties.This Agreement is between you, your organization (if you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of an organization), collectively referred to herein as “user” "you" or "your" (and appropriate formatives) and Acrossline Hosting ("Acrossline Hosting", "we", “us” and “our”).We value the privacy of our Customers, and we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect it. Please review Privacy Policy for further details.Reports of activity in violation of this Agreement may be sent via email to service@vps.acrosslinehosting.com 1.1 General TermsAcrossline Hosting agrees to furnish your services subject to your complete compliance with our Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable User Policy (AUP). Acrossline Hosting reserves the right to refuse Services to any potential client and/or to deny renewal of Services to any existing client, at our sole discretion.1.2 Payment PolicyYou acknowledge that Acrossline Hosting provides service through subscription. All payments are due on the renewal date for the service in the following billing cycle.Service that is 1 day past due will be suspended and subject to an administrative fee of 10% of invoice. Failure to pay will result in suspension or termination of User’s account. Accounts that are not collectible by Acrossline Hosting may be turned over to an outside collection agency for collection, and the User agrees to pay for all collection, legal and attorney costs.1.3 Additional Administrative FeesUsers that have their assigned Acrossline Hosting IP addresses placed on SPAM blacklists, or that cause other IP addresses within Acrossline Hosting network to become blacklisted, may be assessed a $30-50 per blacklisted IP.If the customer purchased Acrossline Hosting Services with the intention to conduct SPAM activity, Acrossline Hosting will charge a $50 minimum administrative fee to cover our administrative cost. Users are expected to take all necessary action to resolve the abuse complaint within 24 hours of notification. Failure to fix any violations within 48 hours will result in immediate loss of usage of those IP addresses. Users that are subjected to more than one IP null-route in any given month may be assessed an administrative fee of $50 per null-route.Users are allowed to request up to one free reinstallation per calendar month of the operating system Acrossline Hosting originally delivered with the server. If Users request more than one reinstallation per calendar month or requests a change of the installed Operating system, then these may be charged at $25 per installation.Acrossline Hosting reserves the right to terminate the account without notice and without any refunds if in the judgment of the Acrossline Hosting administrators the user's server is the source of the violation of any terms specified in this policy. Users will be held responsible for any damages to Acrossline Hosting, including but not limited to, Acrossline Hosting's system, servers, connectivity, reputation, business, service, network, operations, or equipment.1.4 Support BoundariesAcrossline Hosting provides support related to your physical or virtual servers up to the Operating Systems level only. Acrossline Hosting does not touch or offer tech support for anything above Operating Systems level (e.g. application or data on your server).1.5 Consent to MonitoringAcrossline Hosting is under no obligation to monitor the material residing on or transmitting to or through its services. The Users are solely responsible for determining the legality of their applications and content.However, anyone using this service agrees that Acrossline Hosting may monitor the content periodically to comply with valid law enforcement requests. Anyone using our services expressly consents to such monitoring.1.6 Unsolicited Email and SpamUsers may not send unsolicited email messages, including, without limitation, bulk commercial advertising or informational announcements ("Spam"). In addition, Users may not use Acrossline Hosting's Services in order to (a) send email messages which are excessive and/ or intended to harass or annoy others, (b) continue to send email messages to a recipient that has indicated that he/she does not wish to receive them, (c) send email with forged TCP/IP packet header information, (d) send malicious email, including, without limitation, "mailbombing", (e) send or receive email messages in a manner that violates the use policies of any other internet service provider, or (f) use an e-mail box exclusively as a storage space for data. Violation of any of Acrossline Hosting’s SPAM policy may result in a fee of at least $20 per instance and/or suspension or termination of your account.1.7 System and Network SecurityUsers are prohibited from hacking or attempting to hack the security of Acrossline Hosting's Network and Services, including, without limitation, (a) accessing data not intended for such User or logging into a server or account which such User is not authorized to access, (b) attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization, (c) attempting to interfere with, disrupt or disable service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of overloading, "flooding", "mailbombing" or "crashing", (d) forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any e-mail or newsgroup posting, or (e) taking any action in order to obtain services to which such User is not entitled. Hacking of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. Acrossline Hosting will investigate occurrences of such violations and may involve, and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting Users who are involved in such violations. VPN services are also prohibited on Services from Acrossline Hosting.1.8 Suspension/Termination of ServiceAcrossline Hosting reserves the right to suspend network access to any User that violates any of the terms specified in this policy. If any violation is detected, Acrossline Hosting reserves the right to terminate the account without notice and without any refunds. The user will be held responsible for any damages to Acrossline Hosting, including but not limited to, Acrossline Hosting's system, servers, connectivity, reputation, business, service, network, operations, or equipment. The policy violator may be charged a $500 clean up fee. In extreme cases, law enforcement will be contacted regarding such violations.1.9 Disclaimer of WarrantiesAcrossline Hosting makes no warranty of our services either expressed or implied. It is the user's responsibility to have backups of their data at all times. Acrossline Hosting has the right to restrict access to any services, possibly causing you to not have access to your data and services. You understand that Acrossline Hosting is not required to allow access to any service on our network. Acrossline Hosting cannot be held responsible for lost, corrupt, or restricted data for any reason.1.10 IndemnificationUser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Acrossline Hosting, Acrossline Hosting’s affiliates, and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, fines, punitive damages, amounts in interest, expenses and disbursements of any kind and nature whatsoever (including reasonable attorneys fees) brought by a third party under any theory of legal liability arising out of or related to the actual or alleged use of Acrossline Hosting’s Services.1.11 Copyright and Trademark InfringementIf Acrossline Hosting is informed of an alleged copyright or trademark infringement involving an account, Acrossline Hosting will attempt to notify the user of those allegations and secure a response. Acrossline Hosting may, in its sole discretion, remove or terminate the account containing, on a temporary or permanent basis, materials which Acrossline Hosting believes may create, constitute, or contribute to copyright or trademark infringements. You expressly waive the right to assert any claims against Acrossline Hosting for any such removal or termination.To inform Acrossline Hosting of a possible infringement please send an email to service@vps.acrosslinehosting.com1.12 Force MajeureAcrossline Hosting shall not be in default of any obligation under the Agreement if the failure to perform the obligation is due to any event beyond Acrossline Hosting's control, including, without limitation, significant failure of a portion of the power grid, significant failure of the Internet, natural disaster, war, riot, insurrection, epidemic, strikes or other organized labor action, terrorist activity, or other events of a magnitude or type for which precautions are not generally taken in the industry.1.13 Dispute ResolutionThe Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, and the laws of the United States of America, as applicable. EXCLUSIVE VENUE FOR ALL DISPUTE RESOLUTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE AGREEMENT SHALL BE THE STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, USA. EACH PARTY AGREES NOT TO DISPUTE SUCH JURISDICTION AND WAIVES ALL OBJECTIONS THERETO.All provisions of Services are subject to the TOS (Terms of Service) and AUP (Acceptance Use Policy) of Acrossline Hosting. Acrossline Hosting reserves the right to amend its policies at any time. All users must adhere to the above policies. You understand that change to the TOS or AUP by Acrossline Hosting shall not be grounds for early contract termination or non-payment.We can be reached via email at service@vps.acrosslinehosting.com for all questions related to these Terms of Use (TOS) or Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (AUP)Acrossline Hosting and its subsidiaries (collectively "Acrossline Hosting") have formulated this Acceptable Use Policy in order to encourage the responsible use of Acrossline Hosting's networks, systems, services, websites and products (collectively "Services") by our customers and other users ("Users"), and to enable us to provide our Users with secure, reliable and productive services. This document may be updated from time to time. Please consult this site periodically for the most recent revision of this document.You are prohibited from transmitting on or through any of our Services, any material that is, in our sole discretion, unlawful, obscene, threatening, abusive, defamatory, libelous, or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, federal or international law.You may NOT use Acrossline Hosting Services• In a manner which violates any law, regulation, treaty or tariff;• In a manner which violates the rules, regulations and policies of any network, server, web site, database or service provider that you access through your account;• In a manner which is defamatory, fraudulent, indecent, offensive or deceptive;• To threaten, harass, abuse or intimidate others;• To damage the name or reputation of Acrossline Hosting, its parent, affiliates and subsidiaries;• To break security on any computer network, or to access an account which does not belong to you; or• In a manner which interferes with other customers' use and enjoyment of the Services provided by Acrossline Hosting.Acrossline Hosting's services may only be used for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution, or storage of any information, data or material in violation of United States Federal or California State regulation or law, or by the common law, is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or any other statute. Acrossline Hosting reserves the right to remove such illegal material from its servers or to immediately terminate your services. The customer is responsible for keeping his billing data with Acrossline Hosting up-to-date and accurate. Furnishing false data on any contract or application, including fraudulent use of credit card numbers, is grounds for immediate termination, and may subject the offender to civil or criminal liability. Acrossline Hosting reserves sole discretion to determine whether any use of the Services is a violation of this policy. This information is only a guideline, and is not intended to be all-inclusive.2.1 Responsibility for ContentAcrossline Hosting takes no responsibility for any material created or accessible on or through Acrossline Hosting's Networks and Services that is not posted by Acrossline Hosting. Acrossline Hosting does not monitor nor exercise any editorial control over such material, but reserves the right to do so to the extent permitted by applicable law. Acrossline Hosting is not responsible for the content of any websites other than Acrossline Hosting’s website.2.2 Illegal ActivityAny activity on our network that is a violation of any California State Law or US Federal Law is a violation of this policy and will result in immediate termination of service. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:• Transmitting obscene materials or child pornography• Intentionally spreading or threatening to spread computer viruses• Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to any network, including Acrossline Hosting’s private network infrastructure• Accessing or attempting to access information not intended for you• Transmitting pirated software• Conducting or participating in illegal gambling• Soliciting for pyramids and other illegal schemes.2.3 Unsolicited MessagesUsers may not send unsolicited email messages, including, without limitation, bulk commercial advertising or informational announcements ("Spam") in a way that could be reasonably expected to adversely impact Acrossline Hosting's Network and Services, including, without limitation, using an email account on Acrossline Hosting's network to send Spam, or using the service of another provider to send Spam or to promote a site hosted on or connected to Acrossline Hosting's network. In addition, Users may not use Acrossline Hosting's Network and Services in order to (a) send email messages which are excessive and/ or intended to harass or annoy others, (b) continue to send e-mail messages to a recipient that has indicated that he/she does not wish to receive them, (c) send email with forged TCP/IP packet header information, (d) send malicious email, including, without limitation, "mailbombing", (e) send or receive e-mail messages in a manner that violates the use policies of any other internet service provider, or (f) use an e-mail box exclusively as a storage space for data.2.4 Third Party Rules/UsenetUsers may have access through Acrossline Hosting's Network and Services to search engines, subscription web services, chat areas, bulletin boards, web pages, Usenet, or other services that promulgate rules, guidelines or agreements to govern their use. Users must adhere to any such rules, guidelines and agreements. Users who post messages to Usenet newsgroups are responsible for becoming familiar with any written charter or FAQ governing use of such newsgroups and complying therewith. Regardless of such policies, Users may not (a) post the same message, or a series of similar messages, to one or more newsgroups (excessive cross-posting or multiple-posting, also known as "Usenet Spam"), (b) cancel or supersede posts not originally posted by such User, unless such User does so in the course of his/her duties as an official newsgroup moderator, (c) post any message with forged packet header information, (d) post messages that are excessive and/or intended to annoy or harass others, including, without limitation, chain letters, or (e) publish anonymous messages.2.5 Copyright or Trademark InfringementUsers are prohibited from using Acrossline Hosting’s service to transmit any material (by email, uploading, posting, hot linking, directly linking or otherwise) that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other proprietary rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, the unauthorized copying of copyrighted material, the digitization and distribution of photographs from magazines, books, or other copyrighted sources, and the unauthorized transmittal of copyrighted software.2.6 System and Netowork SecurityUsers are prohibited from hacking Acrossline Hosting's Network and Services, including, without limitation, (a) accessing data not intended for such User or logging into a server or account which such User is not authorized to access, (b) attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization, (c) attempting to interfere with, disrupt or disable service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of overloading, "flooding", "mailbombing" or "crashing", (d) forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email or newsgroup posting, or (e) taking any action in order to obtain services to which such User is not entitled. Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. Acrossline Hosting will investigate occurrences that may involve such violations and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting Users who are involved in such violations.2.7 Suspension or Termination of ServicesAny User which Acrossline Hosting determines, in its sole discretion, to have violated any element of this Acceptable Use Policy may be subject, at Acrossline Hosting's discretion, to a temporary suspension of Services until such User agrees in writing to refrain from any further violations. However, where Acrossline Hosting deems it necessary, it may in its sole discretion immediately suspend or terminate such User's service without issuing such a warning. Users which Acrossline Hosting determines to have committed a second violation of any element of this Acceptable Use Policy shall be subject to immediate suspension or termination of service without further notice and Acrossline Hosting may take further action as Acrossline Hosting solely determines to be appropriate under the circumstances to eliminate or preclude such violation. Acrossline Hosting shall not be liable for any damages of any nature suffered by any Customer, User, or any third party resulting in whole or in part from Acrossline Hosting’s exercise of its rights under these policies.For further explanation of any portion in our AUP, and the terms set herein, or to determine whether your intended activities are permissible under the terms of this document, contact us at service@vps.acrosslinehosting.comAcrossline Hosting reserves the right to modify this Acceptable Use Policy at any time in its sole and absolute discretion. Changes and modifications will be effective when posted and any use of the Acrossline Hosting Network and Services after the posting of any changes will be considered acceptance of those changes.